Willow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley



With funding from Hauser Exkursionen, Nepal Hilfe-Tirol, and individuals, The Partners Nepal and Tenjin Eco-Treks planted 450 willow species in Kyanjin Valley as Mundu seedlings flourish. TPN and our partner planted natural, fast-growing willow trees in 50 x 50-meter cages. This natural tree willow grows to 2 feet in three to four months, depending on habitat and altitude. About 80% of the enclosure’s willow has grown, stabilizing the soil and avoiding erosion. Willow planting has various environmental benefits and ecological responsibilities, making it crucial for conservation. Some conservation benefits of willow planting:

Willows’ extensive root networks stabilize riverbanks, shorelines, and other erodible places. Here, willow planting decreases soil loss and protects habitats and water quality. Willows provide refuge, food, and nesting sites for many creatures, rebuilding ecosystems. Willows protect biodiversity by housing and feeding insects, birds, and animals. They produce unique microhabitats for different species, making the environment healthier and stronger. Willow roots filter and absorb nutrients and contaminants. Fast-growing willows can absorb a lot of CO2. Large-scale willow tree planting combats climate change and sequesters carbon. Willow populations reduce flooding severity and stabilize susceptible places through their root systems and vegetation, making them more resilient to climate change, including flooding and extreme weather. Willow planting teaches conservation, native flora, and environmental restoration. Willow planting reduces climate change, protects the environment, and restores ecosystems. It emphasizes using native plants to conserve biodiversity and natural resources for future generations. The Partners Nepal is very grateful to Hauser Exkursionen, Nepal Hilfe-Tirol, and individual supporters for this ONE DAY ONE TREE project in Langtang and our partner Tenjin Eco-Treks for doing an excellent implementing the work in the field.

Willow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley Willow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley Willow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley Willow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley Willow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley Willow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley Willow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley Willow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley Willow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley Willow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley Willow Plantation in Kyanjin ValleyWillow Plantation in Kyanjin ValleyWillow Plantation in Kyanjin Valley



Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation THE PARTNERS NEPAL PLANTED 450 WILLOW SPECIES IN KYANJIN VALLEYIrrigation Irrigation

After Irrigation

After Irrigation After Irrigation After Irrigation After Irrigation After Irrigation After Irrigation After Irrigation THE PARTNERS NEPAL PLANTED 450 WILLOW SPECIES IN KYANJIN VALLEYAfter Irrigation

Text and concept: Ang Rita Sherpa (The Partners Nepal),

Photos: Pasang Tamang (Tenjin Eco-Treks).

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